Sunday, January 23, 2011

the pull of the moon

Like many other places in the world the full moon has a huge impact on our actual being and our environment. We are at 9 degrees in Costa Rica. In central America gardeners like myself rejoice when the moon is in its full stage. Here at Rhodeside we have special moonlight horseback tours at the full moon. These are romantic and makes moon gazing all the more fun. But for the faint of heart walking on the beach gazing at the moon is just as romantic.
Another thing we can do is ride down the road with no lights on in the car and see the road perfectly. It is so bright out during the full moon.
We are especially glad for the possibilities of the effect of the full moon all over our properties.  The farmers here divide their pasture lands with the "live fencing" They take a branch or limb off the  Indio Desnudo (naked indian tree) or 'live fence tree' and stick it in the ground at the time of the full moon. Each one is placed about 18 inches apart. Making an amazing line of inexpensive, creative, ecologically sound fencing. There are a few kinds of trees that are used for this purpose however, the Indo Desnudo is the most commonly used one around these parts.

This month at full moon I moved a number of my small Flame Flower bushes around the property with the intent of making a nice little hedge on one side of our house and to make one side of our barbeque more decorative.  The bush comes in two colors, yellow and coral. This worked really well and I am so pleased with the outcome.
Another little trial hedge I planted came from a clipping again at the time of the full moon, while we were visitng in Coco further north of here.  I brought a piece of this hedge back with me to our area and placed it in the ground along side the main wall of our home. It spread like wild fire horizontally in a few weeks and I had the beginnings of a wonderful hedge adorned with pretty delicate purple flowers. I have yet to find the name of it. I am still searching.

Pineapples are the best! at full moon you take a sprout or shoot from the mother plant and place it in the ground. Water it well and it will grow another pineapple in about a year and then within 9 months you will have a fruit, ripened and ready to eat. Each mother plant produces a pineapple and up to four shoots. These shoots will each produce a pineapple and some shoots...After careful subdividing are re-subdividing we now have 70 pineapple plants on our property. They are so delicious.
On the night of the full moon I always put out a glass of n our well water and drink it upon waking first thing the next morning. I attribute all kinds of things to this amazing water. Mostly it just tastes great!

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